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“Our daughter, Clara, inspired us to start a nonprofit to raise awareness about genetic diseases and support funding for a cure. We seek out inspirational experiences, which can be anything from simple good deeds to running ultra-marathons, in order to inspire others to help us on this journey."

- Casey and Kristen  

#ClaraInspired me to...

Just ran 6.2 miles when it was 27 degrees outside in PA for only one reason ...#ClaraInspired


Bill C.

Feeling so grateful to know you sweet Clara. Thank you for inspiring us to run today. Richmond half in the books! #ClaraInspired


Devon E.

#ClaraInspired me to register on to see if I am a match to donate bone marrow to someone in need. How has #ClaraInspired you?


Carolyn B.

Today is #ClaraInspired. She's my early am inspiration today but her #stxbp1 journey inspires me everyday!


Jill M.

Today, my lifts are #ClaraInspired, because living a life of purpose starts through inspiration from those whose paths we have crossed. 4x6 #175. What’s yours?!


Lisette L.

Took the stairs today, 3 bags and all...because I CAN, and some kids have to do hours and hours of PT to learn these skills.


Emily J.

Maria and I are #ClaraInspired to fight and stand strong against cancer as Clara continues to stay strong and break through boundaries!


L. Horton

Hope we didn’t miss the cut off! We drove 11 hrs so I could run my second half marathon for the month! I decided to get crazy and run the 5k the day before! 3 medals! That Pru loves to play with! Pru and Clara! Soul sisters! Warriors! #ClaraInspired #Irunbecauseshecant #Stxbp1


Eric H.

#ClaraInspired me to remember to smell the fall leaves...


Karen W.

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